How much do you love your park?

By Trust for Public Land
Published February 14, 2014

How much do you love your park?

What's so special about your favorite park? Could it be that perfect picnic spot? The winding trails? Those beautiful vistas? 

We want to know! With Valentine's Day approaching, write a short love letter to a park that's won your heart—whether it's a neighborhood playground or a wilderness escape.

The letter with the most votes will win a Trust for Public Land backpack filled with goodies, including a water bottle and hat for your next outdoor adventure. 

Enter to win by submitting your love letter here. Or browse other sweet notes from fellow nature-lovers in The Trust for Public Land's Facebook community.

Champion Outdoors for All

One-third of Americans, including 28 million children, lack safe, easy access to a park within a 10-minute walk of home. Urge your senators to allocate funding to create parks and enhance outdoor recreational opportunities by championing the Outdoors for All Act today!

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