Tenderloin Wellness Trail

Situated within one of the densest, lowest income, most diverse, and park poor neighborhoods, the Tenderloin Wellness Trail works to prioritize the streets and sidewalks between all Tenderloin parks and playgrounds in order to cultivate a safe, vibrant and beautiful wellness trail. The Tenderloin is home to the densest concentration of children and families, yet the few open spaces that exist are often underutilized, unknown, or disconnected.

In a collaborative effort with Safe Passage, a program of Tenderloin Community Benefit District (TLCBD), we conducted two focus groups to identify three potential Wellness Trail routes. In February 2017, more than 50 community stakeholders joined The Trust for Public Land and Safe Passage to walk theses three potential routes. They were evaluated in whole and by segment based on safety, likelihood and ease of use, and one pilot route has been identified.