Southwark School

With help from students, educators, and neighbors, we transformed the Southwark School property from an asphalt lot into a vibrant park. By tapping into the creativity of students, staff, and neighbors, enlisting them as co-designers, we created a schoolyard that reflects this unique South Philadelphia community who named the new space “Our Park.”

The play areas double as outdoor classrooms, brimming with art and greenery. We learned many students need an outdoor oasis to calm down. Our calming garden offers intimate seating in a less active area of the schoolyard to help provide a quiet oasis. Now, students and neighboring kids can play in the playgrounds, garden in the beds, and learn in the maker-space classroom. Parents, caregivers, and community members have a space to gather, garden, play, and make memories.

Help us create more green schoolyards in Philadelphia. Make a gift today.