Congaree National Park

For middle school teacher Juli Jones, the natural beauty of Congaree has been an inspiration to service. We spoke with her at a November 2011 celebration of the latest Congaree acquisition.

South Carolina’s ‘Green Heart’

Located in the center of South Carolina, Congaree National Park protects 22,200 acres including the largest intact tract of old-growth flood plain forest in North America. A storehouse of natural diversity, the forest encompasses hundreds of species of plants and animals. Known for its giant hardwoods and towering pines, the park’s forest includes one of the highest canopies in the world and some of the tallest trees in the eastern United States. This beautiful spot is a sanctuary for plants and animals, a research site for scientists, and a place to walk and relax in a tranquil wilderness setting. Since 1987, The Trust for Public Land has helped expand the park boundaries and acquire important tracts of land within those boundaries—over 4,000 acres to date.