Virginia Beach Park System Analysis
Published: August 30th, 2011
With more than 33,640 acres of parkland, six state-of-the-art recreation centers, several public campgrounds, and a nationally recognized athletic complex, the park and recreation system of Virginia Beach is a major draw for tourists and residents alike. From the iconic Mount Trashmore—a capped landfill park with an extensive shared-use pathway network, a skate park, and a playground—to the world-class Princess Anne Athletic Complex, to the city's five large state parks and national refuges, Virginia Beach’s extensive network of parks has great value.
This report defines and measures how investment in parks provide the city with economic benefits. Not every aspect of a park system can be quantified—for instance, the mental health dollar value of a walk in the woods has not yet been documented—but seven major factors are enumerated in this study: clean air, clean water, tourism, direct use, health, property value, and community cohesion.
Virginia Beach Park Analysis Report | Download |