Kootenai Valleys Conservation Project

Deep in the far northwest corner of Montana near the City of Troy sits 28,000 acres containing some of the state’s best fisheries and wildlife habitat, and a highly productive working forest—the city’s primary sustenance through the 20th century. These rich timberlands shelter a variety of wildlife, including grizzly bear, wolverine, and Canada lynx. The rivers are equally bountiful with Columbia River redband—Montana’s only native rainbow trout—and a remnant population of the endangered, prehistoric white sturgeon.
Due to the areas accessibility, stunning views, and gently sloping terrain, the land is highly vulnerable to subdivision and development. The Trust for Public Land worked out a deal with Stimson Lumber Company, the landowner, to permanently protect 28,000 acres near Troy and Lake Creek with a working forest conservation easement, which will allow for sustainable timber production while protecting water quality, habitat, recreation and other qualities essential to preserving the character of this unique landscape.