Webber Lake

Webber Lake featured image

The 3,000-acre Webber Lake property is a look back in time. The land, nestled between Perazzo Meadows and the Jackson Meadow Reservoir, hosts a pristine montane meadow, a naturally occurring lake at the headwaters of the Little Truckee River, forested uplands, and approximately 7 miles of riparian habitat along Lacy Creek and the Little Truckee River.

In years past, Webber Lake was a stop along the Henness Pass Road. The original Webber Lake Hotel, built in the 1860’s and thought to be the origin of lake-based recreation in Sierras, still stands on the property.

The land has been in the current owners’ family for nearly 100 years, and while they’ve received offers to develop the property, their wishes have always been for Webber Lake to remain intact and undeveloped.

The Trust for Public Land and Truckee Donner Land Trust raised funds from the Wildlife Conservation Board, the California Resources Agency, the Northern Sierra Partnership, The Nature Conservancy, and the Sierra Nevada Conservancy to complete the $8M acquisition. Truckee Donner Land Trust will own and manage the property. Future management plans address the community’s desires to preserve the site’s historical, ecological, and recreational resources.

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