In a bustling metropolis like Los Angeles where more than half the population lacks easy access to green space, green alleys are an innovative solution to addressing the need for better connectivity between communities. This report provides case studies, insights, and data to support green alley efforts across the city and beyond.
Partnering with the City of Los Angeles’s Community Redevelopment Agency, Bureau of Sanitation, the University of Southern California’s Center for Sustainable Cities, Jefferson High School and others, we’ve transformed several neighborhood alleys into vibrant, outdoor areas for pedestrian travel with improvements like:
- Light colored paving to reduce the heat island effect;
- Cross walk striping, lights, and signage to increase walkability;
- Native and drought tolerant planting to help green and beautify the neighborhood;
- A host of innovative techniques to capture and infiltrate storm water from nearby alleys and streets.
Our Green Alleys work turns uninviting alleys into walkable, bikeable, and beautiful public resources for the whole community to enjoy.