The Trust for Public Land: Trump budget hurts Americans’ access to recreation

Will Rogers, President of The Trust for Public Land, today issued the following statement after the release of President Trump’s first budget:

“President Trump’s first budget displays a complete disregard for our environment and the public lands used for recreation by millions of American families. If enacted by Congress, these cuts and program eliminations would wreak havoc on our outdoor economy and the millions of jobs it supports in our local communities, and will undermine towns and cities working right now to create a clean and healthy future.

“The President has declared these programs ‘unnecesary.’ We could not disagree more. There is absolutely no economic justification for proposals that pull the rug out from ongoing collaborative local, state and federal efforts aimed at supporting parks, trails and other outdoor recreation needs, all of which sustain a burgeoning $646 billion economy that supports 6.1 million American jobs.

“For example, by gutting funds for land protection through the Land and Water Conservation Fund — America’s most effective conservation program — the Trump Administration’s plan will harm our national parks and reduce the ability of Americans to access public lands for hunting, fishing, boating, biking and bird-watching.

“Additional program eliminations will reduce support from NOAA to communities addressing disaster resiliency improvements, pull funding from communities using NEA funds to build parks for our children, and cut off all support for community development – effectively telling state and local leaders that they are on their own in efforts to create a safe and healthy future.”

“Just as important, cutting all efforts and money aimed at addressing climate change is a mistake of mammoth proportions, with consequences that will be felt most drastically by our children and grandchildren.”

“We look forward to working with members of Congress from both parties to protect the parks, lands and programs that Americans love and need to provide so many jobs for communities across the nation.”

The Trust for Public Land creates parks and protects land for people, ensuring healthy, livable communities for generations to come. Millions of people live near a Trust for Public Land park, garden, or natural area, and millions more visit these sites every year. To support The Trust for Public Land and share why nature matters to you, visit