U.S. Forest Service Forest Legacy Program (FLP)
Since 1990, the U.S. Forest Service Forest Legacy Program (FLP) has provided states and U.S. Territories with federal funding to help protect threatened forestland. The program uses conservation easements or fee transactions to prevent land from being converted to non-forest use, which helps states achieve their highest conservation goals.
A state enters the voluntary program by submitting an Assessment of Need (AON) to the Secretary of Agriculture for approval. These plans establish the lead state agency, the state's Forest Legacy project criteria, and areas within which proposed Legacy projects must be located. Each enrolled state has a Forest Legacy Program coordinator, housed within the agency designated in the AON to administer the program.
The program requires a minimum non-federal match of at least 25 percent of total project cost. Match can consist of state, local, or private funds, donated land value, and in some cases, project costs. More information about the program including updated guidelines and a list of state coordinators, is available on the USDA Forest Service website
Learn about the Land & Water Conservation Fund Coalition, a broad-based coalition of conservation, recreation, environment, business, historic, cultural and many other organizations that are working together to secure full and dedicated funding of the LWCF.