Hot off the press! Land&People—the art issue

By Trust for Public Land
Published November 3, 2014

Hot off the press! Land&People—the art issue

If you’re a Trust for Public Land member, keep an eye on your mailbox: the latest edition of Land&People magazine is on its way to you this week.

Our Fall/Winter 2014 art issue is all about the inspiring intersections between nature and culture—like the innovative sculpture parks bringing masterpieces out of the gallery and into the open. You’ll hear from painters capturing the beauty of our national parks and community leaders reinventing a neighborhood through the process of creative placemaking. And in an exclusive interview, award-winning singer and composer Esperanza Spalding shares how the natural world fuels her creative process.

Land&People magazine is an exclusive benefit to members of The Trust for Public Land. Not a member? Join today and never miss an issue. Or download the free Land&People iPad app—available now in the App Store. If you don’t have an iPad, you can browse the digital issue from cover to cover, including bonus digital content like video, photo galleries, and instant links to learn more. 

We hope you feel as inspired reading the art issue as we did putting it together. Leave a comment and tell us what you think—or email us at


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