Morgan Ranch

Morgan Ranch is a private homestead dating back to the gold-rush era of the late 1800s. It sits at the heart of the Frank Church—River of Return Wilderness, the second-largest protected wilderness in the continental United States. Along with the adjacent Gospel Hump Wilderness and surrounding Forest Service land, Frank Church anchors 3.3 million acres of pristine, roadless land.

Because of its location on Sulphur Creek, development of the Morgan Ranch property would have significant impact on spawning and rearing habitat for Chinook salmon, steelhead trout and bull trout—all threatened species under the Endangered Species Act. In June 2012, Trust for Public Land purchased 80 acres of Morgan Ranch, permanently protecting critical wetlands and wildlife habitat .

The property will be added to Frank Church—River of No Return Wilderness for the public to enjoy as unspoiled natural land.