Pollinator Pathways


What We’re Doing
Creating essential habitat for threatened pollinator species.

Our Goal
Build pollinator-friendly and native ecosystems across Rochester, MN.

Your Yard Can BEE the Change
What Applicants Receive

Applicants can receive up to $750 for reimbursement of eligible expenses associated with their project. Participants are required to match 10%. This can be in the form of in-kind time spent on coordination and installation of the project. Program participants must agree to maintain their project for a minimum of 5 years.

In addition to funding, applicants will receive technical assistance for site preparations, seed mix and planting design, spacing, and species recommendations.

Acceptable Expenses:

· On-site consultation from a landscape designer or contractor (up to $75)*

· Landscape Designs (not to exceed $175 for both onsite and design or more than half the grant funding)*

· Plant delivery fees

· Site preparation (sod removal, tilling, weed control), plants, seeds, weed suppression papers, wood mulch, seed and plant installation, and maintenance of projects through grant period

· Native plants (BEE certain that they are NATIVE and not cultivars). See suggestions of approved native plantings

· Mulch for Pollinator Pathways project

Types of Plantings

There are four types of planting options. Projects should incorporate 3 flowering plants during each bloom period (spring, summer, and fall).

A small green plant growing in the grass.
Wildflowers in a field with brown grass and purple flowers.
Select Native Pollinator Plants
Flowering Plants:
  • Virginia Bluebells
  • Blazingstars
  • Wild White Indigo
  • Milkweeds
  • Goldenrods
  • Beebalms
  • Beardtongues
  • Red Columbine
  • Asters
  • Hyssop
Trees and Shrubs:
  • Wild Currant
  • Serviceberry
  • Buttonbush
  • Dwarf Bush Honeysuckle
  • Plums and Cherries
  • Willows
  • Spiraea
  • American Basswood
  • Lead Plant
  • Cranberry
Grasses and Short-Growing Flowering Plants (for Bee Lawns):
  • Clover mix
  • Wild strawberry
  • Violet
  • Blue Grama
About This Project
  • Once approved, before the project begins:

    • Take and submit “before” photos
    • Participate in a site visit and pre-planting workshops
    • Submit a preliminary budget and design by email to kayla.westerlund@tpl.org

    During the project:

    • Take “during” photos
    • Track your volunteer time using the Hours Log. You will need to submit this along with project expenses and receipts using the Resident Report Form once the project is complete. If you need to be reimbursed while working on your project, please email to kayla.westerlund@tpl.org

    After the project is completed:

    • Take a photo of the completed project!
    • Submit your time, expenses, receipts, and photos using the Resident Report Form
    • Program participants are asked to maintain their project for a minimum of 5 years
  • My application wasn’t selected but I still want to create a pollinator habitat. How can I do that?

    Individuals can apply for $350 in Pollinator Pathways funding through Blue Thumb. You can find the application information on the Blue Thumb’s website. Depending on available funding.

    Individuals interested in moving forward with projects on their own are encouraged to utilize the online resources provided by the Minnesota Board of Water and Soil Resources specifically designed for pollinator habitats in residential settings. The Planting for Pollinators Habitat Guide goes into detail about different planting types, site preparation, and maintenance.

    Additional questions? Email kayla.westerlund@tpl.org.

  • Map Legend

    Get Directions

  • Application Timeline

    November 1, 2024: Application opens

    March 1, 2025: Application closes

    End of March 2025: Site Visits and Applicants Selected/Notified

    May 2025: Workshop: Introduction, Habitat Design, and Budgeting

    June 30: Preliminary Budgets and Designs Due

    July & August: Plantings

    End of Summer/Early Fall: Workshop: Planting/Wrap-up

Get in Touch With Our Minnesota Team
St. Paul Office

2610 University Avenue
Suite 300
St. Paul, MN, 55114
(651) 760-0179