Land and Water Publications

Published: November 24th, 2010

The Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative Conservation Plan

This Report makes the case for a strategic, multiple step approach to drinking water protection in the Upper Neuse River Basin (UNRB). read more »

Land Use and Drinking Water Treatment Costs

This white paper from 2008 brings new data and methodologies to study the impact of the decline of forest cover and the increase of agriculture or urban land cover in a drinking water source drainage area. read more »

Barnegat Bay 2020: A Vision for the Future of Conservation

Barnegat Bay 2020: A Vision for the Future of Conservation is a Report that outlines the future of a rejuvenated Watershed in New Jersey. read more »

Connecticut River Watershed Report

The Connecticut River Watershed: Conserving the Heart of New England, presents an overview of the environmental,economic, cultural, recreational, and historic value ofthe Connecticut River Watershed’s land, as well as a look at the risks thesenatural assets face from projected housing development. read more »

The Upper Neuse Clean Water Initiative Conservation Plan

This report makes the case for a strategic, multiple step approach to drinking water protection in the Upper Neuse River Basin (UNRB). read more »

The Century Plan

The Century Plan-A Study of One Hundred Conservation Sites in the Barnegat Bay Watershed is a Report that describes 100 high-priority conservation and public access sites in need of protection. read more »

California Water Acquisition Handbook

This handbook is designed to assist those interested in using California’s developing water market and water acquisition as a tool to improve environmental conditions for fish and wildlife, and water quality for human populations. read more »

The Source Protection HandBook

The Source Protection HandBook: Using Land Conservation to Protect Local Drinking Water Supplies provides local governments, water suppliers and agencies, and community drinking water advocates with the tools to identify source water conservation opportunities, implement funded source water conservation programs, and acquire and protect the lands that will help keep our drinking water clean. read more »

Path to Protection

This white paper from 2008 brings new data and methodologies to study the impact of the decline of forest cover and the increase of agriculture or urban land cover in a drinking water source drainage area. read more »

Protecting the Source

The Protecting the Source report is part of our ongoing effort to promote land conservation as a critical approach to drinking Water Protection. read more »

Smart Growth for Clean Water

This Report produced by TPL and the National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals identifies five smart growth approaches that can improve water quality: land conservation, waterfront brownfields revitalization, urban and community forestry, low impact development, and Watershed management. read more »

Protecting Land to Safeguard Connecticut’s Drinking Water

Protecting Land to Safeguard Connecticut’s Drinking Water is a “tool kit” for Connecticut communities seeking to use land conservation to protect their drinking water supplies read more »

Chesapeake Bay Watershed Report

Keeping our Commitment: Preserving Land in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, a report published by TPL and the Chesapeake Bay Commission, details the results of regional watershed land conservation initiatives in Virginia, Maryland and Pennsylvania intended to guide the next decade of restoration in the Chesapeake Bay watershed. read more »