Jacob Frame

Jacob is a graduate student at Yale University, pursuing joint degrees in Business Administration and Environmental Management. His academic interests are oriented on the practice of ecological restoration, strongly influenced by his childhood growing up among the coal fields of Appalachia. He holds undergraduate degrees in Geography and History from West Virginia University, and spent over ten years in the U.S. Army serving in a variety of roles and locations. Before transitioning from active duty service and moving to New Haven in fall 2023, Jacob’s most recent work focused on coordinating between local governments and humanitarian aid organizations in the Middle East to restore essential services following periods of prolonged military conflict. His exposure to non-profits facilitating positive societal change in this difficult context has inspired him to seek out organizations working on major issues facing the people of Connecticut. He is excited to be able to play a role in advancing TPL’s mission of making green spaces, with all their intrinsic benefits, more accessible to more communities in the state. Member since 2024.