Blaze a trail to your mailbox—Land&People is here!

By Trust for Public Land
Published May 3, 2016

Blaze a trail to your mailbox—Land&People is here!

If you're a Trust for Public Land member, it's time to check your mailbox: the spring/summer 2016 issue of Land&People—our award-winning magazine for people who love the land—should be arriving any day. 

This issue focuses on trailblazers—new leaders in conservation who are working to bring parks and nature to the communities that need them most. Stories include:

  • How The Trust for Public Land empowers New York City public school students to design their dream playgrounds  
  • A day on the land with the team that's building the Southwest's first urban wildlife refuge 
  • The local take on the effort to protect a show-stopping wilderness in Los Angeles's backyard
  • A conversation with Rue Mapp, creator of Outdoor Afro, a national network connecting African Americans to the outdoors

Land&People is an exclusive benefit to members of The Trust for Public Land. If you're not yet a member, now is an ideal time to join: through May 31, 2016, your donation will be matched dollar for dollar—up to a total of $200,000. 

It's a great chance to ensure your donation goes twice as far to create parks and protect land for people to enjoy. We hope you'll join us today! 


Fully Fund Safe, Active Transportation Systems

The Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATTIIP) is a vital initiative that helps expand trails connecting people to nature and their broader neighborhoods. Despite this importance, Congress allocated $0 for ATTIIP in this year’s appropriations process. We cannot delay investments in safe, active transportation systems. Urge Congress to fully fund the ATTIIP!

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