The Trust for Public Land Joins the Partnership for Gulf Coast Land Conservation
The Trust for Public Land has joined with several other leading land conservation organizations, to form the Partnership for Gulf Coast Land Conservation—a task force created by the Land Trust Alliance.
In September 2010, the group convened The Five Rivers Meeting to discuss British Petroleums Early Restoration Funding process, the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force, and funding opportunities from NOAA, USDA, and other federal agencies. More than 40 representatives from land trusts and state and federal agencies attended this meeting and developed a strategic plan and appointed an executive committee to oversee the implementation process.
On October 5, 2011, the Gulf Coast Ecosystem Restoration Task Force outlined the goals for the Gulf Coast restoration effort. These goals are:
- Restoring and conserve habitat
- Restoring water quality
- Replenishing and protecting living coastal and marine resources
- Enhancing community resilience
Read the full report here.